[Blender] Deform a mesh along a curve

[Blender] Deform a mesh along a curve

Translated in english ! Just activate the subtitles 😉

This is a tutorial I made (in French) a year ago to show how easy it is to make a text (or any mesh) move and deform along a curve inside a Blender animation. I hope you will find it useful.

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Free Grass Tufts + import in UE4

Free Grass Tufts + import in UE4
Basic Grass for your game | 3D scene

When you start making 3D environment, you quickly realize that you will need all those simple small living things.

One of these things is grass. Of course, you can put a grass

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2018, I had a game idea for Joueur du Grenier. This is a slice I made with Unreal Engine 4.

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This game was made for a Games jam on Newgrounds in 2017. It’s physically based Puzzle Game where you rotate the world.

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My shoulder got hurt so I had to do some training to strengthen it. The clock apps were not fun and usable in a room full of people so I made this.


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Politiquiz [FR]

Politiquiz [FR]

2015. I needed to stop worrying about politics and make fun of it, so I create this from catch phrases out of context. [FRENCH]


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Greek Dreams

Greek Dreams

2015, the Greeks are trying to heal their wounded country. To do so, they must revive their economies while undergoing pressure from their creditors. What could they dream about at night?


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Super François

Super François

Historical Context : 2016, Franch President François Hallande is caught driver a scooter to secretly meet his girlfriend. At the same time, France is going at war to support Mali.


Help french President François Holland to earn points but watch out for the elections barrier !

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My very first construct game (html5+Android). A stupidly, physically gob-launching game ! 😝

Enough of these haunty pointey-eared elves ? Make them GOB !

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