Update Ubuntu Kernel with UKUU

Update Ubuntu Kernel with UKUU

Hey !
Your hardware is nit well supported by the kernel you’re using ? Here is a safe solution 😉
Please watch the video until the end to see possible troubles and fixes.

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Gnome Shell Menu (spoken)

Gnome Shell Menu (spoken)

Hey !
Many people don’t like Gnome Shell because of it’s lack of classic menu. But you can mod it ! This environment is perfect for multimedia or any modern usage ! I’ll show you how to adapt it 😉

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How to install FluxBox on Ubuntu

How to install FluxBox on Ubuntu

Someone asked me how to install fluxbox on Ubuntu 18.04 so here is a simple tutorial to install it and configure some startup tasks.

Ubuntu fluxbox english doc : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox
Ubuntu French doc : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/fluxbox

– Tips (pourboire)

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