Hey, I'm Jaufré but you can call me Jau (say "JO").
I an IT enthusiast, video games addict and all kinds of creations fan. I love 🐧Gnu/Linux, hate Windumb, could love Mac if it was more Open.
I like raspberry pie and 3D Printing. And drinking coffee ☕💓 ! Ok, call me "nerd" lol.
I've been some kind of freelance for 8 years . You know, this living Tech-wiki guy people call for anything from "how to copy-paste ? " to "how can I use a raspberry pie as a media server during next week convention ? I also need to control it remotely. And send files to it Thanks."
Most of the time it was "I lost my windows password, could you hack the login please ?" or "I don't understand this machine won't boot" dude, your hard drive is super-definitely-dead". "I didn't saaaave anythiiiing 😭 *crycrycry*".
Did you know I hate Winshit ? erm... probably, sorry 😅. On the other hand, I'm fond of 3d modeling and 2D / 3D game development 😋. Construct for 2D web and android apps and Unreal Engine 4 for beautiful and funny 3D 😍.
I don't like to write code anymore, but I love blueprints 💕. Well organized blueprints. Beautiful ordered blueprints 👺*bwahahaha ‼* erm... *khofkhof* sorry... I like inventing game mechanics and graphics so this is paradise to me 🤩.
I'm French but don't like snails and frogs (in my food at least). I hate american junk food (Don't point this gun here please erm... I'm not saying everything you make is junk my friends 🙀). I like lentilles (yes, in french 😝), a bit of japanese "junk food" lol (noodles) beer and I LOVE COFEE ☕😍